Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

litten doesnt bus

For the record, this is why I think there was an evil on the block yesterday.
The fact that Leafia voted Etha and then this all happened might be coincidental but itā€™s bizarre either way.

True. Greatest to ever do it.


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wait i forgot magnus let me read

Iā€™m not W/W with Litten promise.


Why are you being such a waffle?

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Fax I will win


litten hasnt pushed u

if he flips mafia ur a potential suspect imo

can confirm

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Get REKTed Magnus

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You do know even if I myself donā€™t think it even, Iā€™m probably having confirmation bias seeing your initial Litten argument line up enough and benefiting me for me to naturally lean on it

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Litten + 2/3 from arctic, magnus, jormok

is my guess for the team

smell ya later guys

I gotta question! Why doesnā€™t Litten bus? This is an open question, will take answers from other than Litten.

So CFD this EOD yeah?

Iā€™m physically incapable of glancing at my partners



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I donā€™t think this is true at all. Iā€™ve found Leafia before. Achro is a better Leafia reader than you. Yes i realize he town read her but the crux is this. I hard fight against the Leafia wagon at EoD if she doesnā€™t unvote herself.

I told her what I thought she would do she said she wouldnā€™t than she did it anyways in that moment my self doubt was gone. Until that moment I was second guessing myself all of EoD.

goooooood keep Town reading me, I like it when there is plausibile deniability