Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Psst I’m abbikedavra on discord people should add me and talk to me so I’m not bored and lonely all day


I know the answer teach!

Know what would be fucking funny.
We vote out Arctic and they flip mafia but then vote out Litten and they flip town.
VOTE: Arctic

What’s the answer?


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He’s a wolf!!

I have no idea how to pronounce that

The last time someone said that I don’t respect their game was marshal in a popcorn game when I was town and she was given a gun, who immediately shot me. Why do you think I don’t respect your game?

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(Not really I wanna hear him out first)

I’m not pushing you, it was an asterisk against “riding or die” with you. Reading backwards from your ISO I genuinely have zero recollection about any of your one-liners even from when I was around.
I also noticed that Litten said the same thing so it’s whatever and it’s still in-character.

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Like avadakedavra but with my name

He did mention this before tbf

Possibly this is my current gut feel

Eevee was right Zorvo really does get bored if you ignore them



Can’t be all town right?

Doodle is, out of all of those, 100%

Wait maybe if Demisha is actually a woof?

I literally spent hours giving reads and playing the game my EoD was not fluff and one liners why are you portraying my play as effectively useless?

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I still don’t understand.

Not denying they can’t be town.

I just don’t understand the certainty you have.

Why are they town?