Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

But mostly based

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I want 400 posts

Get him King

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Nah mostly shit I’m having a bad year.

Anytime I’m confident the universe kicks me into the ground

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400 bb

So you’re telling me… I should just reverse your list and then I win the game?

No because my town core is USUALLY pretty good

Is town leans and scum reads I fuck up

Maybe one name in my town core generally speaking

Oh, then just reverse your null and wolves.

Yes lol

But also not always

I had a game 3 weeks ago where I never voted a town

Aw, you were a secret baby wolf!

Litten wolf flip points to wolf arctic too for another reason too imo

Litten wolf could have killed town arctic to keep his ego bet with achro

But if litten and arctic are both mafia they had no n1 kill option here except achro. They dont respect me enough to n1 me + achro would have figured them out. So they were literally forced to either n1 achro or throw the whole game

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I’m not “lying”, I have a perspective that I did not remember anything from you at EOD before that vote. As for having a “reason”, it still led to a random lift on two better wagons. “Lying” implies it’s an intentional falsehood.

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One minute.

Naw I was town mvp but we lost lol I’m saying i only voted wolfs that game

You are attempting to use a false narrative to place pressure on me and to push me


I am dumb, I thought… I didn’t read the word never correctly, brain autofilled with “only voted town”