They can’t handle us.
They can’t handle us.
Can’t be sad when your this fucking goated
You gonna go for the push Arcy.
Thought I was “Obv Town”.
i’m not pushing you
If someone doesn’t want to share something they shouldn’t be pressured to do so
Damn fucking straight I am!
It’s confirmed!
Zenon voted me for fun!
i’m trying to finish backreading before some bozo hammers
i’m not pushing you
Not Yet
I’d laugh if Zenon is a wolf this game.
I can see it tbh.
Fair enough! Hope you manage to get that done and some Bozo doesn’t hammer!
@Zorvo can I have a read on your mafia partner Etha please?
You can be town too.
Vote Etha with me?
Wait hmm idk
I still not sure
You guys have danced around each other for far too long, lmao.
@Litten how serious was this
It was somewhat serious in the sense that I was skimming through Etha/Zorvo posts and then came to the conclusion that they were dancing but like
Zorvo doesn’t seem like a wolf from how they are acting.
Killing unhinged Zorvo mainly because Zorvo usually isn’t unhinged and I don’t like it.
What’s hard to understand here?
Why is Zenon Town?
Who knows!
Why is Zenon Woof?
Fuck if I know!
This is the correct Zenon meta. Read it. Understand it. Soak it in.
That’s cause I’m not a woof.
I’m trying to find woof and hard carry.
if Etha is a wolf I wouldn’t give that much town credit to lol btw
VOTE: Litten
not because of anything that happened but out of solidarity for tutuu
i can’t believe you are a wolf pushing my ect ect
I just realized something, with how Zenon posts, it is possible Zenon accidentally hammers.
I can’t argue with that.
I know you’d have to be able to read it first