Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I did it with the intention of it being woofy.

(Damn maybe I can get a hammer off and see how many people push me tomorrow. Sure would avoid the night kill that’ll probably never happen to me.)

Infinite worlds, infinite choices! Nothing is certain! I love the social games more than the info ones! Info ones get so locked down and boggled and stuff, but the social ones? You can never be fully sure! It’s wonderful!

Exactly no one is cleared!!!

Not me nor you.

Only I know I am town and only you know what your alignment is.

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You kinda have to have a lil’ bit of blind faith, and a whole lotta trust in someones character!

I feel like this might be TvT though.

FUCK idk anymore

You good, Arctic and Litten? Too much for you? Y’all went quiet.

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Like who would push Arctic if they hammered Etha. :man_shrugging:

Maybe Etha is indeed a woof, then who would even bother pushing Arctic there.

Zenon, probably.

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If Etha was town that is.

True, true

Sus… but also towny as fuck lol

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If I start associating myself with others, wolves will keep me alive and I can carry town right?

No because you are wrong

It was a joke because I was “reaching” for something.



I’m not sad

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If you associate with either the right group, or the very, very wrong group Wrong group never wins cause it means ya grouped with wolves. Right group? There is a chance!

@Litten how serious was this