Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I feel like you sent them on a goose chase, lmao

What TMI is Arctic suppose to have?

You donā€™t

Arctic said he had tmi and rn Iā€™m in turbo mode so arctic where tmi

see things like this is what made me initially scared of them cuz they have a ton of moments memeing on me like this

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I like to meme on people, right or wrong.

Tbf to Etha Iā€™ve been sacrificing myself for info to town lately a lot sometimes itā€™s what you think the best path forward is.

Like I do it when Iā€™m lost in games and being scum read and no Iā€™m in way too poor of a position in the game state to dig out.

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@Arctic i feel PERSONALLY lied to

When have I ever been a scum hunter.

Tutuu is pushing Litten in a towny way but I think sheā€™s wrong

Litten is pushing Etha in a towny way and Iā€™m fine killing there.

If Etha is wolf Litten is clear GGs this is what I do with Bradland now. I give him 3 days to kill a wolf if he doesnā€™t he dies

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they kind of explained thhe main point i had so iā€™m not so sure anymore

I mean it is pretty wolfy to like sparkling water

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Sad :(

Should there be? Should someone be town reading drinks?

Drinks is the player who if I was wolf I would be hard bussing lol.

I know we are but I donā€™t town read you quite enough to let you join my masonic bloc

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This guy gets it

Not for me

Saaad :(

how many words are you typing

Only cause you deserve it

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a lot i can give you my current progress if you want i have jormok demi doodle zenon and lol written

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