Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

At least 3? Maybe even 4!

Innocent child but yes it basically means cleared

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Why is lol town again xD


Ah okay. My apologies. If possible, could you try to give out some reads before the voting starts, so we know where you stand on things?

@tutuu i saw the talk about dicey dungeons earlier and i feel like i should probably be honest with you. in that game i was pocketed by litten likeā€¦ the entire game, and i townread most of the wolfteam and kept killing villagers while no other villager had any sentience so i had no one to really tell me i was wrong. that was probably my worst game ever. i should be more paranoid of litten here, i donā€™t know why iā€™m not. but i donā€™t want you to trust my read on him. vote him if you think heā€™s mafia.


(i know youā€™re doing this but like
donā€™t not vote him is what i mean i guess)

Iā€™m fine committing murder. I felt like their EoD1 was towny but everything else around it has been pretty meh mid

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If Arctic flips wolf I stg

That is literally the opposite of what I said unless I fucked up

Oh my bad I had it flipped. Thank you for clarifying! :sweat_smile:

i know itā€™s 7 hours old but since iā€™m on the edge i wanna put somethin out there

Jormok Scum lean
I never thought Iā€™d be so back and forth on someone until I went through him. Jormok was looking good/townie to me before but I think the posts from him that have come out while I type this are not a good look for him. The fact that they were actively acknowledging about how someone could hammer without removing their vote feels like they were really hoping a hammer would come in. Maybe I have recency bias but I think this isnā€™t something to ignore.

Demisha Town lock
This is my first FM with Demi but knowing them outside of FM this is about what Iā€™d exactly expect from them. Theyā€™ve been posting what they think and I feel that them being very defensive against being voted after Leafia got thrown overboard is in-line with what I expect of her.

Doodleshy Town lean
Doodle feels great to me, I think theyā€™d come off as more stressed if they were mafia. Doodle has been trying to be helpful like when people were asking for what drinks-meta was and they pitched in. Not too much physical evidence unfortunately, the fact theyā€™ve been flexible is good to me and reads as the new townie that doesnā€™t wanna fuck up.

Zenon I really donā€™t wanna read through all those posts. Null leaning town
Theyā€™re posting a lot, I donā€™t wanna read through it all. They posted a lot in the last game I played with them and they were a townie. They stayed on the possible turbohammer which makes me put them lower in the townie list.

lol Null leaning town
lol feels like they were doing a lot of just relaying information earlier on but they started giving their own thoughts on things and have had a townie tunnel on merpy since d1. Staying in my null section since they stayed on the possible turbohammer.

Drinks Scum lean
Drinks from what I can tell hasnā€™t given a single explanation or read from their head. Theyā€™re not playing to what I believe is their town meta which has me believing theyā€™re scum. They havenā€™t posted enough to make me think other wise so unless Drinks starts posting like Zenon I donā€™t see them leaving this box anytime soon.


  1. Demisha
  2. Doodle
  3. Zenon
  4. lol
  5. Jormok
  6. Drinks
    gonna continue to work on the other 7 now but iā€™ll give an early teaser that iā€™m gonna scum-lean zorvo for being what i feel is too chaotic for a townie

oh okay the forum interface is really confusing. i wasnt looking at the beginning of the iso, i had to click a button. it can only show 10 pages at once. ancient software

i confirmed that litten got into a bit of a scrap post game with someone, which was his excuse for refusing to link me the game. i ā€¦ really dont think anyone crossed any lines, but, i dont wanna delve too deeply into this

and i confirmed he did style on duskfall. he did interact with him a ton, and later he used the word styling. i didnt read everything fully, but i can confirm that at least litten was honest in saying that he believes he styled on dusk, thats the only thing that matters

so fair enough on that point

i will say though that this post

is a carbon copy of a few posts litten wrote in this very game. i can pull them up for a side by side comparison. not that this is necessarily scummy since litten could also be making post like this as town too and naturally as mafia he wants to copy them.

but in that game he was playing with unfamiliar faces. this game he is playing with unfamiliar faces. he won that game or at least performed well. so that does concern me, how similar those posts are. let me pull them up

(to clarify, litten is a wolf there)

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wow some of that formatting is trash mb

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I agree in like most cases

Fun fact
Dusk got executed for acting like a carbon copy of his wolf game
Like the exact same thing it was uncanny

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HEY! I removed my vote. Also! goooooooooood this is what I wanna see for the first part. Just wanted the town to really shine past this more recent stuff, thought it cleared me more, bleh guess I should go back to doing townie thingsā€¦ tomorrow.

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What is this even about lol

What is this even about either?