Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’ve been spewed town.

You’re right, I was also about to say “scratch Magnus actually” because I remember you were voting Etha and I even directly questioned you about it

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By whom?


HAHA I don’t think that’s true at all!


Like iirc, most people either null or wolf you, lmao!

Idk Arctic town reads Magnus now.

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I’ve been townreading them but I don’t see the spew mention either, I’ll let them explain that


Or rather town leans


I think this part is false from my perspective but yeah.
I was making a joke about Zorvo spewing me Town.

I forgot, did you answer my question about how you feel currently about Arctic?

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Didn’t know a town member can spew a player another alignment.

I think it’s okay to an extent. Especially as a new player, it is overwhelming to see you vote all over the place. It conveys to me that there are inconsistencies in your reads (regardless of if that is your true intention or not). You went from trusting me to suddenly voting me without even talking to me about it. It sends mixed signals.

What I am trying to say that it is okay to be confused and flip flop between trusting and distrusting people, but it shouldn’t always be a vote. You can discuss it with that person, and if you still think they are evil after that, you can vote them. (You can also vote for pressure but only do that in more extreme causes imo). That’s just my opinion anyways. Do what you want. Just know it’s a behavior that I don’t trust

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If that was today I don’t remember seeing it >.< I don’t find a quote from you in my recent inbox either, mind linking it?

I’ll look around for it, it might of been a message I typed up then discarded.

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litten never busses, he has proved it, if etha is mafia litten is town for killing them

if etha is town litten is mafia for the million reasons i listed, u can iso me or just trust me tomorrow

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Also the thing about this kind of chaos is.

I am making the thread fun for all.
Plus mafia might not kill me because of it.

Although if Litten is Woof and doesn’t kill me they no balls.

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magnus ur kinda trolling if u think zorvo is mafia

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Not really? I made it clear who I won’t vote and will.

If I thought Zorvo was Mafia I would’ve written a long case like I do half the time, don’t worry about it. I do think he’s been inconsistent and out of character at points, on the other hand.

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