Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I don’t like how you have voted almost every single player in this game. It makes me feel like you’re a wolf, but my gut feeling is that you aren’t and that you’re just being extremely pushy. Please don’t send mixed signals. You’re confusing me :sweat:

drinks still has done nothing today b tw
another reason to not hammer please

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Sorry I just like to vote.

Should I vote Drinks?

Also, I never said Etha was town. All I am saying is her read (regardless of alignment) is correct. Your trigger-happy nature is a little chaotic, so please be careful. It may sway me into voting you

i don’t know, zirbo. should you?

Alright I think it’s about time I buss them.

VOTE: Drinks


Oh sorry.

I like to vote though.
Is that ok?

I’m pointing it out so that others know that I see you’re being chaotic and inconsistent.


I have temptations though to vote.

I can’t control myself.

Help me.

One moment.

This post is fine.

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Tbh this post is the reason I thought I’d plop down a vote to see what Merpy does.

I’d like to bring up another reason

Going off of a reminiscent game state to the one we had in D1, it just doesn’t feel like there’s been a lot of trying to desperately yet subtly move the wagons to someone else?
During D1 wolves were comfortable with the Leafia-Etha wagons to the point that I think they just didn’t need to get too involved which currently the two people in the spotlight have been Litten and Etha for almost if not the entire day yet it doesn’t feel like there’s been an effort to change any of this from the more inactive players

Maybe both Etha and Litten are not W and evils feel extremely comfy to the point of not needing to do a lot? Drinks is the first that comes to mind with this obviously but I feel like Magnus and lol are also worth examining under this premise

It is.
But they are just talking about them being town so I decided to vote them to see what they would do.

Like, Are you telling me it wouldn’t be a good joke vote right after Merpy says this? “Damn, Merpy is townie” votes merpy

I know it’s fine, I just think you’re looking too deep into a joke vote/ for science vote.

Etha wasn’t a wagon until near the end of the day. You’re thinking of Drinks.

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Yeah let’s get Magnus outta here.
VOTE: Magnus