Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Null, looks like town based on the fact that she’s… being the Merpy I know but I haven’t focused enough on her to give a read that’s worthless because I didn’t invest the right amount of attention in

From what I can tell you two are having a slight back and forth atm and she had a pretty noticeable back and forth with lol earlier in which she budged after being responded which is in line with how Merpy is in general

Make the first vote in LYLO.


merpy town

VOTE: Litten.
I’m in favour of either this or Etha’s wagon today for the meantime, but I’m voting here for solidarity reasons. I think if Etha flips wolf it at least spew most of her wagon as being Town, or if Litten flips wolf it spews half the game.

I will draw focus onto Jormok regardless when I return to my second reread.

Like I can just grab the first random Merpy post I find after that post and tell you yep this is something Merpy says alright

I don’t trust we get out a wolf tbh here.

I don’t trust myself to find one and then I’ll be alive and stuck in XYLO

Precisely. In my eyes, trigger-happy voting goes hand-in-hand with a lack of communication (another thing I find suspicious). I won’t vote you right now bc I still think you could be town, but you are rapidly pushing me to think you’re wolf. I just want you to be aware of this, so you are not surprised if I do vote you later

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what was the point of this question?

VOTE: Etha

Does Litten just never name his teammates if evil? How does this work?

I am?

Zenon but just because Arctic is way more of an impossibility and there is a fair argument in my head for a world in which Zenon has been hard pocketing me

Even if it makes me a bit sad because she’s been nothing but good to me

I don’t even talk about them and I throw fits if they are mentioned

But sadly mafia isn’t about who protects you and who doesn’t x.x so I need to isolate myself from that when answering your question

I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t understand your argument. Are you saying that we get less info if Etha flips wolf?

Curiosity :)

Why would you stick to this meta?

idk if he literally never even mentions their names, probably not that extreme

maybe he could throw in a vote here and there

but he doesnt claim their pelts. like he doesnt gut them. there isnt a situation where someone can make the read “litten is town because he killed X wolf” and litten is a wolf in that situation, its an non-existing situation

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do you think there is a wolf between me and zenon?

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