Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Yes. I went from having you at the bottom of my town list to thinking you could be wolf who is just trying to cause chaos. I won’t push you for that though (not yet anyways)

I haven’t voged a wolf in years

That’s probably a lie but it feels true

I think it’s great either way. Arguably the Etha wagon is better because she hasn’t been playing a lot this game anyway, and I don’t think it’s likely she was bussed yesterday if evil, but I don’t feel like jumping on a bandwagon halfway through town on a suspect.

Nah, I KNEW I SHOULDA KEPT THAT OTHER POST I WAS MAKING TO EXPLAIN THIS ONE. Just kinda thought it was a good thing to ask, wanted to know where they would lean if the game really narrowed and you and Zenon were considered opposite pairs, where Demi would lay.

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At least, not at this moment, Only sure about Etha.

It’s subject to change, but I doubt it will today

Ah I see. Thank you for clarifying! :+1:

that post kinda felt like you were trying to sow seeds of doubt into the consensus townreads but okay


From your perspective, would he willingly get a teammate killed they were modconfirmed Mafia or something?

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Nah, not my intention.

Admittedly in a world where Arctic Zenon and I are last 3 I wouldn’t immediately vote Zenon because I’ve been so on Arctic’s side since the very beginning that I would start second guessing myself and thinking how embarrassing it would be that I hard protected a wolf the ENTIRE game and that I should get all the blame for it

Even then I think after a while of thinking about it I’m still more convinced about Zenon pocketing me than Arctic having had any agenda that prominently showed

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im sure he would, but thinking about this probably doesnt matter too much for gameplay relevant reasons, its just an entertaining possible situation to think of. everyone would be killing a modconfirmed mafia, they would already be dead essentially, so

Inb4 both of you are wolves, you’re set up for deep wolving turbo easy and I’m the biggest clown on the face of the earth :upside_down_face:


Dw I’m not pursuing this theory any time soon, not the concern of the day

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yeyeyeye, this is not a concern to really be having, and thank you for going along with my curious question!

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she said she hellbusses as a wolf so it’s more likely than you think…

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I know what bussing is but what is hellbussing?

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bussing in upper case


Etha isn’t casting a vote.