Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Caught wolf realises casting her vote spews someone town


Does “spews” mean like confirms them as town?

Spew means the results of someone’s actions “spill” onto someone else and prove something due to it


I think that’s a good way to put it, but language barrier and whatnot, someone can explain it better than me

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Day 2 Vote Count 7

Etha (5): lol, Demisha, Jormok, Litten, Zorvo
Litten (2): Arctic, Magnus
Zorvo (1): Zenon

Not Voting (5): Etha, Drinks, Doodleshy, MerpyDerpy, tutuu

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You did a good job of explaining it. Thank you!


Why is it “vote count 7” when there are 8 votes cast (5, 2, and 1)? Or is 7 the majority needed for it be a kill? :thinking:

“Spew” is sorta like TMI but through behaviour rather than wording, I think I want to put it.


…we’ve posted 7 vote counts today



Seventh VC posted today.

well anyways im going to bed

@tutuu i know you’re getting rlly hung up in this game and i wish i could be an anchor for you but i know you don’t townread me and it’s sad so all i can do is give you a hug and say that it’ll be okay, i won’t let litten get away tomorrow if etha flips v + you’re nk’ed since you feel this strongly about your read cuz i trust you’re probably right if etha is a miss


Ah I see. Thank you unknown voices! :joy:

Have a good night, hope your birthday was fun!


Could you explain Doodle again? I wouldn’t locktown them or anything.

ty, it was! we did an escape room but the first one we had booked ended up not happening because the guy working there accidentally locked himself out of the building (ironic, right?) and we couldn’t wait that long cuz of other stuff… but we went to a different one and it was a lot of fun (i sucked tho)


every post they made starting from eod1 felt like they know their rolecard is green and they are full of villagery self-entitlement etc idk vibes but like strong vibes, some emotion stuff too i think


love u :heart:

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Which means?

Didn’t you say as a wolf you would be pushing Litten. :thinking:

It’s a statement of the obvious.

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