Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Bork bork

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It basically means I will bus any and all teammates to get myself deep weather necessary or sometimes not

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I trust myself as wolf more than any player in the world.


Get a room

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Demos posts yesterday were also quite towny

Skill issue skill issue


I will prove that all choices in mafia are truly random

u dont have to, we already know how you arrive to your scumreads :coffee:

Feels like a pretty surface level reason to try to unpair them

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Can we policy Zorvo pleaseā€¦ Iā€™m not capping.

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I bet your wheel was 0 for 3

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You would I guarantee it


How does you voting Litten mean you are never paired you arenā€™t Litten you donā€™t have a no bus meta

You donā€™t

Are you conf biasing this for real?

Donā€™t worry nobody is listening to unhinged Zorvo

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Because itā€™s a proven rule. Litten doesnt bus on ethics. Litten doesnā€™t bus as a choice of honor. Litten is not gonna break this trend.

Mafia is about trends and statistics you do not throw away a sample size across multiple games because maybe they decide to break their meta today. Until that meta is broken you always treat it as >rand

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Feels weird to me not to go for the person you feel is a gurantee

Why lol why Zorvo

Harmful. Wait do you actually think this?

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wolf litten is a pest that cannot be allowed to live for too long

and i didnt think too much about jormok mafia i just slapped them on there

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