Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

wtf is going on

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Litten we aren’t w/w we’re literally trying to throw the other overboard right now

I mean, we could, we just need to think about who we think together could be the real wolf

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wolfiest arctic post so far


You guys have been roleplaying for the last TEN YEARS and also like Jor is weirdly confident on you being w


You shattered this confidence by causing this, lmao It went back to like 55%

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jormok who is mafia then

This is where we throw arctic overboard for no reason and call it a day


Hell if I know! I leave that to the big thinkers and buy in whichever Idea I like!

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the entire thread is overconfident on etha is either the greatest throw of all time or the hardest bus of all time


we are making you king

You do not want that
I get way into the role of being a king


assuming the line of w/w how do you feel after if one flips as v? idk if you’re actually serious about it but may as well inquire

It cannot be any worse

Go ahead

I probably have to revualate a lot of stuff

Please someone, warn them, they know not of what they ask

Because my bet is we execute drinks if one of you flips v and I wouldn’t put it past also flipping v and we just lose


trust me the king of madness jormok returning is a terrifying idea for all parties involved

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