Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

sorry i meant tutuu

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demisha’s latest 10 or so posts feel textbook wolf to me. i think you guys are townreading her too easily

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i have alresdy tsken many shots

(to the head)


i agree but i think their d1 and d2 entrance ia textbook towny

this is the best post of the entire game

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i cant be a neet who spends time in the basement because basement is where we store our potatoes and other vegetables

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Merpy would smile as they vote you, and “apologize”. Can confirm. Merpy is great.

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they are textbook wolf, i’m too tired and not in the mood to do ISO’s and the latest interactions don’t spark a lot of thought in my head

i have never seen a villager agree with someone saying they are textbook wolf

u are lying

Not intentionally if so

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what do you think about anime

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this post does not help assuage my concerns

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im waiting for my friend to finish her RP so we can keep watching Fate because it’s pretty fucking based

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Then vote me

this post does not help sausage my concerns


heard fate is good but too much lore and hard to get into is that true


i might tbh

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okay guys we memed around a lot but who wolfing

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