Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

we aren’t being productive

i hate lore i like when good guy punch bad guy

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oh no


Kinda yeah but watching just the animes I feel pretty fine with it so far
It’s pretty bullshitery explanations mid fights which gives me shonen vibes and I’ve been thirsting for something shonen-like for a while

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I think you’d be fine if you watched the animes then lol

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Zorvo/Tutuu felt obviously townie those I feel good about

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I could go for a sausage right about now, Throw some barbeque on it… Fuck you Litten, you made me hungry food thoughts only :(

ill look into it whenever i finish reading one piece then

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i’ve seen wind do it but wind is wind


I think the name tutuu doesn’t need to be brought up any more by now lmao
I dare to say I’m more confident in tutuu town than Arctic


Arctic is still pretty much hard lock town tho

arctic is null

just know Arctic that if I was in a f3 with you and denmisha denmisha would win

Wish Zenon was around to chat in thread

Next life time then, gotcha

This might be one of those games where I’m failing towards liking people for live reactions rather than their overall posting

i read like half of it in 2 weeks but then i took a 2 month break now i cant be bothered


Holy shit
are you human?

Magnus hasn’t talked about me at all this game from what I remember yet they voted me

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i just dont appreciate the images or something it doesnt take me long to read i think i finished chanisaw man in a day wasnt even that good to me i was just bored

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