Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Expect me to have about an hour left

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@Demisha make a vote


I remember this… You’re not very townie right now waltuh


You made me chuckle, sure fuck it

VOTE: Jormok


I don’t care if I’m wrong anymore, I’m confident in what I caught about Jormok’s behavior seeming off

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I honestly don’t think Etha is wolf, but I’ll admit a good chunk of that is bias. No shot Etha wouldn’t know how long nights are as wolf, like I don’t know what wolf chat is like, but they’ve gotta reiterate that somehow.

waltuh we have to vote the wolves waltuh why are u voting me waltuh put your vote away waltuh


You really shouldn’t be, My client here claimed the funny card. They’re innocent.

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I’m not going to fight for her, though. If you wanna kill her, kill her.

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Think of it this way, I legit thought day phases were 24hs long during D1 until 24 hs had passed then I found out it was 48 hs

in the danganronpa game, etha won in f4 by making some fakeclaim of holstering and claiming to doc the nightkill (or she was an actual wolf doc and docced the kill herself, same difference) so she seems to be pretty on top of mech stuff which i suppose is another point in her favour


If I do get voted out tho, I just hope people atleast smiled or small chuckled at my posts <3 If so, I consider that a game win.

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to be fair how would you tall about that

“hello ladies and gentlemen please remeber nights are 24 hours :nerd_face::nerd_face:
you MUST enter the tread at exacly 24 hours from now on”


Do you not do this every FM game??? You’re literally throwing I despise players like you

Something like, uhh…

“It is now nighttime. You have 24 hours to decide who to kill.”

what is going on

Have you guys not considered lying as a wolf before

Guys remember that


The setup is 15 players with 12 town and 3 mafia.
Days are 48 hours unless a majority vote is reached, and nights are 24 hours. Start of Day and End of Day are at 6 PM PST
Executions are majority and plurality
No-execute is a valid vote, and takes precedent over a person in a tie. In all other cases, it will be randomised.
Self-votes are valid votes.
Votes are locked in LyLo (execute-or-lose) scenarios, but not in MyLo (misexecute-and-lose) scenarios. That is to say, in situations where town must execute correctly or lose, the first vote cast by a given player is final and cannot be changed.
The mafia’s kill is mandatory.
The mafia have a private discord that they can communicate in at any time.

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why did you send this

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Garbage quality comedy

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