Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

It was on topic? We were discussing the “I forgot time stuff”

Like me

i was so confused i couldn’t tell if that was serious

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Absolutely impossible. Unheard of. You can’t lie in this game, duh.

I’m not dumb, dude. What I’m saying is that I think Etha would have the presence to know, specifically as a wolf, that the nights were 24 hours. Like, we’re playing a game where the only information we have is social, I’m just playing the game.


i was a wolf in a mash and i didnt touch the mechanics stuff at all the wolf lesder said “shoot a town and start lolcatting you are immortal” and so i did
im like the last person to ask for when it comes to mechanics

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True true true true facts facts facts facts

Yes I’m saying she would lie about knowing it’s 24 hours because she didn’t want to enter the thread

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That’s fair. I don’t think I’ve said too much today tbh. I’m still trying to figure out where I wanna vote tbh

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dwdw i promise i was kidding, i only didn’t put a /s because someone would’ve turbo-smashed me into the ground for putting /s or /j (much like how it literally happened in my second ever FM game right at the start)

Don’t see why someone would lie about that though.

Good! You got this merpy!

You should vote Jormok because I say so :blush:

And also, I don’t know if Etha would use a meta defense like that. Feels scummy, don’t think she’d like it.

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fuck you for putting an /s there i hate you with all my passion you cant believe how hard i want to hit you with a chair

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Zenon i’m so tired please carry me :fallen emote:

thank you

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