Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

don’t worry i won’t kill tutuu i like her too much


I’ve never seen such bullshit before

zorvo hasn’t exactly showed it but i think that jormok has slipped a few times overtalking about zorvo, my reason would be because they have zorvo on their mind since their paired on scum

Mostly yes but it didn’t happen when I did it so idk what to tell you

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I’m not.
I’m saying you have accused me of doing something that is happens to be the answer to the question you asked me.

I’m not comparing.
That isn’t what I was implying.

i think so yeah. but shes aware of it. she doesnt freeze up as wolf

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I said I wasn’t gonna vote Drinks today though.

Even though I kinda want to I won’t.

their conspiracy theory and lunatically looking through smogen means I’m handing them the game if they are a wolf and fine with it

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i’ve also seen some people saying “just trust zorvo is in his townie meta” but i’m not trusting anymore

jormok flipping wolf means zorvo wolf i’m so sure

Not unconditionally.

Let me make this very clear to everyone.

I vote anyone that I’m not sure is town or not.

Thank You!


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I shouldn’t post that cuz last time leafia was a v

This is wolfy as fuck

Tutuu is exclaiming my wolfing while screaming about how I need to die by refusing to vote me

Than basically telling everyone to kill me tomorrow if a town dies while making an Etha wagon I’m not on so why is that my fault?

Nah ur wrong queen I get where you’re coming from but trust me T!Zorvo is just this chaotic whirlwind

I’m dropping our talk here. We’ll never see eye-to-eye, and that’s fine. I’m going to focus on the other discussion happening in thread


We’re lucky he didn’t threaten the thread with vig kills tbh

Didn’t you say the same thing with Leafia.