Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Imma talk about a thing I’ve talked about more recently but used to hide.

I have like serious brain trauma and shit. It’s a problem in 2 ways. 1. I can not articulate thoughts well. I have thoughts flowing in my brain that I understand but when I try to spell them out or day them out loud they make no sense and I realize they make no sense and it frustrates me because I can not physically explain what Imean in a way you can understand.

But 2. This is the more important one to why I’m saying this.

I’m an adult. And I can take a step back and realize that I’m doing things wrong like an adult. But clinically speaking I have the mental capacity of a 15 year old. So like. I know I’m doing things wrong when I take a break and move away from them. But in the moment I quite literally can not help but act like a 15 year old. So…I know I’m doing emotionally immature shit and I know I’m saying and doing things I shouldn’t but I physically can not stop myself from that.

So please try to understand that when I’m being a dumb immature childish person like…I dunno push me to realize I’m being a dumb immature childish person but preferably gently and maybe that will help and I’m sorry I’m like this.

Uh yeah that’s all. I love you <3


Oh I think I did vote Etha before the last couple mins.

From my social deduction experience, evils have 3 basic playstyles (or a mix of these playstyles):

  1. Quiet - They don’t say or respond to much. They want to fly under the radar.
  2. Fluff - The ones who post (regardless of amount) but don’t really add a whole lot. They talk to give themselves town credit, but the stuff they are saying is either irrelevant or surface-level statements.
  3. Chaotic - This type of evil will typically flood the chat/voice call and cause confusion. This is why I felt very conflicted on Zorvo the other day. However, I feel better about Zorvo now that we have talked it out. I typically find these players the most suspicious, which I did warn Zorvo about on numerous occasions.

The people who I feel fit this definition the most are Drinks (#2) and Lol (#1 and #3). Please read my read on Lol if anything. It has changed

(I have explained my read on Drinks before, so I will keep it brief):
Wolf: Drinks spoke a decent amount during the last voting phase, but that was the most I have seen them talk. It feels off to me. Also, I asked them for their reads, and they didn’t get back to me. It’s possible that they just missed the message, but it feels like multiple strikes in a row.

Town-Lean: Lol has been pushing me since D1. I will admit I am the type of person to typically distrust those who distrust me (even if I don’t vocalize it). Despite this, I took a moment to step back and ask myself if I actually thought they were evil, or if I was just being defensive because I know I’m town. Upon further reflection, I think Lol may be town. They have a huge timezone gap between me, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that. I still don’t trust that they were hard suspecting me through and nitpicking everything I did. It did feel like they were desperately trying to get me pushed. However, I believe a wolf would’ve backed down by now to avoid drawing attention to themselves. I am a player who several people had town-cleared on D1, but they refused to back down (and I think they still believe I am wolf). Do I find their playstyle suspicious? Yes. 100%. But I think they are town


I feel like finding this would be useful given that I think they could be w/w

Someone yell at me to go to bed

Oh also this isn’t meant to be AtE I just want y’all to be able to understand it so maybe I can be stopped before I do a dumb emotional outburst uwu

go to bed

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I will not yell at you, but please go to bed if you are tired! :sleeping: :bed:

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I forget where this quote is from, but it goes something like: “You have to doubt someone first to truly trust them.”

Essentially, what this means is blind trust isn’t trust. I need to doubt you before I can trust you

I might be mistaken. I remember Demisha or Jormok making a post that came across as TMI or preflipping Etha but I’m not finding it in the search bar.
Litten was preflipping Etha really hard but I think that’s par the course with him.


me responding to Etha claiming I had a bunch of ego with me doubling down was pretty funny ngl

Etha / Litten V/V would’ve been the funniest outcome.

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Day 3 Votecount 1

Jormok (1): Zenon

Not Voting (10): Jormok, Doodleshy, Demisha, lol, Arctic, Magnus, Litten, MerpyDerpy, Zorvo, Drinks

Don’t care about you thinking this about me, I am hyped I got a pelt! I knew Etha would know me better! I fucking knew it! <3

They were goated! But uhhh… i don’t get it either.

Good :P


Good to know this flip didn’t fully clear me! I was worried about that! Means I am gonna care a lot more about everything! :)

I forgive you, but will the others? Up to them!


Gotcha! It was a good run! Just keep trying to appear pure! Voting me though? Not very good.


I’m here, party time! Wolf dead! I knew it!!!

False in regards to me! But it sure helped me out!


Zorvo town? :)

Lol has not been my most confident town this game. But I am considering all who voted Etha out my towncore for atleast today. Lol is omega town today for me.

Fuck it, Lol is town lock for more days. Pure spite bb!

Sleep! Rest! You got a lotta time! You got this! More solving comes along tomorrow!


Mobile post go brrr, but I’m hoping on computer now. Felt weird doing it on phone.

Looked at my list of town, and my list of people not on that list, and saw there was only one, so I know I’m wrong somewhere lmao. Literally only Arctic was left

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I’ll go with my weird logic for now though. VOTE: Arctic

Arctic is only a wolf if their partner is in the orange or red.

Tutuu doesn’t die by Arctic otherwise.

I will take that into consideration!