Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’ve seen them do evil stuff in games in which you have traitor mechanics, yes

So you’ve seen them play as Group Wolf?

It would take me awhile but I can sure try later.

Don’t know what group wolf means, but… yes?

My memory might be failing me, but didn’t Achro push onto Leafia? I could’ve swore at the end of day they did, but I could be wrong

Achro only did so because of Litten, iirc.


So I suppose you see them more in town meta here now near me out.

Arctic as a wolf

Will COACH their teammates.
Basically he knows how to help them be more Townie and follow their town meta.

Now how would this effect your read on Merpy if Arctic flips Red?

Yeah of course take your time! I know I am not wolf, but you may be on to something with Arctic. I think they’re town because other people think they do, but I don’t have like a deep trust if that makes sense

It was pretty much the opposite of that.

I see the world you are painting for me, and I will reread all of Merpy’s ISOs just for you if it’s real.


And again, if Arctic is a woof it doesn’t mean it HAS to be you.

But I feel your most likely and Arctic is a great coach.

Sounds Good!

I’ll try and find the posts by Arctic

I think what Zorvo is asking is have you seen me play as an evil role in a game where there are multiple evils. And I’m pretty sure the answer is yes???

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the only possibly weird thing I have noticed about merpy this game, is the over formality of everything, but I’ve chopped that up to being with new people

The answer is yes

Merpy strikes me as someone who has played a lot of forum mafia before and yet I think she said no when I asked forever ago.

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I understand your suspicion. That makes sense. Sadly, I don’t think I can really refute that with evidence

The only forum mafia game I have been in was the game where I shot Kana like 15 minutes in. That isn’t a lie

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Merpy is very experienced at social deduction, but not with forum mafia. Sadly, means they developed tells that people pick up on.

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Merpy, You’re town.

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