Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’m glad you pointed this out actually. I didn’t feel a need to explain it since no one who knows me questioned it, and it would feel like an overshare for people I am meeting now, but I speak way less formally than how I am typing. I am still a genuine person, but I do not actually talk like this. Idk why, but I just speak more formally in text form. It could just be that I have more time to think about what I’m saying


@Zorvo now that a wolf has flipped, has this changed?

However, I don’t think this is just a forum mafia thing. I do typically type like this in messages imo

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This was Arctic’s first mention of Merpy.

This is a mention, idk if it means anything.

Someone check but I think Merpy isn’t on Arctic’s new list.

Arctic is also well aware lol was tunnelling Merpy day 1.

Says that the misclear is on Lol over Merpy.

Let’s remember in the End, Tutuu has Merpy more sus then Lol and died.

There’s also again, more concern about Merpy from Arctic here.

Rule of 3.

Remember. Arctic put Jorm and Lol in wolf team solve but still brought up Merpy.

Not sure.
I just know you bussing both days means your town.

Merpy isn’t on Arctic’s list but I don’t think he suspects her, either.

Voting both days*

That’s not what I was asking.


I’ve played a text game with you tho… You do tend to type those blocks, but when you’re relaxed you kinda type with less letters sometimes.


It’s like it’s hard to say but I think a wolf bussed during one day but not the other day.

like, “you” = “u” and stuff

Yeah my tells are rather obvious for those who know me. Jormok and several other people here have seen me play in many different social deduction games (Deceit, TOS, werewolf-style games, etc). Even though those games are different, I do have some evil tells that carry across those games. It’s like evil Merpy meta lol

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Yeah but again, Arctic is a good coach.

He could make any teammate seem town.

oh, and sometimes faces, i didn’t notice any though this game though

Especially if he knew Etha was probably gonna go over he would have hard coached his other partner.

hyperanalyzing merpy typing moment

This is true. I don’t know what game you are talking about, but I would imagine the abbreviating is a result of lack of time (like TOS for example). I just feel like I have more time to type in thread, so I don’t see a need to shorten stuff

Nope, it was a game you had a lotta time in.

I assume you mean emojis like :3 or :D
That’s another thing. I’ve been using some emojis like :thinking: and :+1: (it reminds me of Miku thumbs up). I tend to use the keyboard emojis for games like Roblox where it isn’t easy to use emojis