Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

yeyeyeye, also wasn’t roblox :) I like this guessing game.

Oh hmmmm. I’m not sure then. I just haven’t rlly thought about using them. My apologies if it raises any red flags

It doesn’t, but ya can see where I’m getting at when I say you are typing all formal, and it is a bit different even when you do got the time.

Ohhhh I think I know which thing are you referring to. Are you referring to the Discord shapeshifter game?

What shape am I thinking of?

Also yes

I can explain that! We didn’t have access to Discord emojis, so I just started using the emojis that I used in Roblox

Lemme rephrase: We weren’t supposed to because those who didn’t have Nitro were at a disadvantage

Uh a circle? Idk what shape you’re thinking of lol

I’m aware, just kinda figured it would translate to here. with the “:3” and the “;~;” kinda stuff

You’re thinking of pizza-flavoured shapes.

Wrong, it was a cube. VOTE: merpy



I hate cubes. I can’t visualize. They’re my worst enemy XD

See, now it’s a x-box controller.

Are you usually silly as either alignment, Jormok?

You can’t visualise cubes, or you can’t visualise images?


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In roughly the same way either time?

I have aphantasia, so I can’t visualize at all. It’s a condition :+1:
I’m cool talking about it, but I don’t want it to distract us from discussion


I can confirm this is true

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