Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

In the world where all three of them are executed and flip green, it would be ELO 3 v 2 afterwards wouldn’t it? I’m not really scared about that happening, but this scenario really only makes sense in my head if at least one of yourself, Zorvo or Merpy were evil. Along with probably Demisha if she’s alive, I think that association with Etha holds up.
Mainly because of possible misreads.

i guess i need to iso merpy today because i haven’t paid as much attention to them as i should have, but as far as i’m aware there isn’t an actual case against them other than “we could be misclearing them”

demisha could still be mafia, but i doubt zorvo is

Merpy’s explanation for townreading me (“can’t explain”) is incredibly weird for an evil and their general readlists have seemed pretty sound.

this just doesn’t really feel partnered though, among other things

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Etha felt to be overplaying her hand with this line.


but i feel like that post matches with the rest of her approach of seemingly pocketing/whiteknighting town!demi

i’m not sure what that post achieves if they’re wolves together

Etha tried hovering around Demisha at the beginning of the game in a way that was by mutual return, which doesn’t really match the pocket scenario.

this was etha’s first mention of demisha and i’m confused as to how you aren’t reading this as anything but a textbook pocket


i’m more concerned about demisha’s post there tbh but i still think etha’s read feels pockety

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if drinks is a wolf this post is “i think you should execute me or my wolf partner instead of this villager”

it’s a pretty hard sell imo

Oh yeah. Etha and Drinks would be a difficult sell after D1.

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You already said hard sell. Wait.

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gth unpartnered

Litten wouldn’t buss period.

Fuck those notes. Too much work I don’t need to do.

Exactly the kill is weird.

Arctic being a wolf also clears Demi and Doodle as Arctic only makes that kill if their last teammate is in the Orange or Red if Tutuu’s readslist.

Why is Arctic there again?

I wolf cased Etha. Or rather TMI cased.

What were they again?

I’ve read etha and jormok interactions towards eod and I’m not convinced it’s unpartnered, especially given that Etha was aware that she wanted to give the impression they were unpartnered so I feel like it could easily have been what she was aiming for

Jormok being incredibly confident on Etha because “they shouldn’t be misreading me” is textbook wolf pushes on other wolf reasoning in my experience of this game. it’s a point against both of them and it’s why all of this happened - I brought up that they have experience with each other alongside people like demi, doodle and merpy and yet they both gave a ton of meta reads on those others but not each other

Then the rest of her posts about Jormok are calling him w/w with other people instead of actually asking for his death, which is also classic w/w

Also unrelated but I saw this post on my way down and think it’s unpartnered


in her “legacy” i noticed etha said this about lol and merpy despite townreading both earlier and i’m not really sure why this happened

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etha isn’t me