Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

my mindset this game was oh well achro is probably town and he’s probably going to do stuff and i’ll intervene when necessary but like… i don’t really care, i don’t mind taking a back seat and letting things happen

i think leafia is mafia and she’s getting voted, i don’t object to any of the consensus townreads and i townread all of the strong players with influence (litten does not have influence right now)

i’m not sold on litten being mafia i think he could go either way

i’m waiting for the lowposters to do stuff like i said because if i start townreading most of them then it might be a bad omen

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I’m pretty sure lol is incapable of rolling villager

im gonna die and the rolecard will be red due to a system error or something


I’m like 87% sure I didn’t town read Bean until later and I called Bean wolf by the end of the game.

I was wrong on like 1 town core read

Which as I stated with my list. I’m usually wrong on 0 to 1. 1 wrong town core read is usually my max I’m good at what I do.

i meant baker

Fair. Oh fuck I was wrong on 2 that game lol… that’s honestly rare for me.

this is also because I subscribe to the theory that no matter how good or bad town’s reads are early on, if they are controlling the narrative and wolves aren’t, town will eventually figure it out, and right now i don’t think wolves are putting shit in the narrative. and this is why if i was a wolf, i would be putting shit in the narrative

I probably rambled on too much about this, but this is an explanation of why I don’t mind letting other people control the game when I’m town but not when I’m mafia

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Pretty sure I was right on more than I was wrong on TR side.

I’m shit at scum reads but that’s why I’m changing my read style.

Leafia was town reading me. It was a challenge.

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yeah if ur town im gonna hope ur on your A game instead of whatever that atrocity was so when you get voted out d2 i can look into it

To focus heavily on TRing

Calling it an atrocity is still an unfair take but whatever

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dont worry i had way worse town games i just havent randed town recently so no one will remember

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This is what I’d like to know lol

@Etha @MerpyDerpy @Jormok hey hey, what are your thoughts on the game rn? Any townreads or scumreads?


to add on merpyderpy case dude said its their 2nd game but doesnt know if mafia reveals when they die or not there’s like 50 confusion questions and barely any fluff compare them to the GOAT jormok there’s a clear difference and not only in posts but in the energy jormok feels chill derpy is acting like they are new to the job and getting trolled by the seniors


I’m pretty sure I’ve had it as town before on the old site but here’s a tug owngame on this site where I had it as town. Warrior Cats springs to mind.

It’s still ongoing and I’m still alive, but I’m town in it.


Where’s your most three recent town games.



Check back on my four most recent games. I was town in all but the last. I think.