Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

So do you think Arctic is town?

also iirc i usually push you first then you get pissy and start pushing me

most likely but dont tell him i do

If Arctic is a wolf do you agree that their partner is probably within Zenon, Merpy and Drinks?


am i like the only person not townreading doodle what is going on

but yeah i guess so i would replace zenon with doodle

litten keeps posting weird shit that means completely nothing except try bring the mood down if you have nothing interesting to say post a meme or what your daily calorie intake was ok

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for todays dinner i fried up 2 more shmitzels i had left over sliced them up with some leftover potato and made a fresh salad on the side and a glass of milk tasted even better than fresh yummy that was probably around 10000 calories

went to the doctors to get my foot checked this morning cause it was hurting a month ago doctor said i was fine and i had a foot inflammation told me to put some gel on it if it hurts again and let me go i am sure glad it wasntt a serious injury or i may be mildly fucked

people roast america healthcare but if u have to wait a longass time to get anything done it is just as bad

Don’t know why you threw yourself in there?

And? That was day one, I can understand throwing a bit of shade at a wolf you know is a wolf, cause you’re a wolf. purely for the whole defense purposes n stuff.

I mean, I won’t deny that possibility that they were bussed! I will today though, cause well, I wanna give some benefits to those who voted Etha.

I usually only read when I wanna, didn’t care too much for Etha until ya pointed it out! So thanks? Ya kinda got Etha killed? Cause I kinda knew it was them after that, lmao!

Those are secrets, and to be told when either Merpy wants to tell them, OR other people wanna talk about it. I’m not a snitch!

true true true.

Its not in this case though? They actually just didn’t put it, so I knew something was weird. especially after they name dropped King of Madness. they know me, they wouldn’t just misread me like that unless told/coached to.

HONESTLY big news.

Fuck off (jokingly). You don’t want me king.


Last I remember Tutuu was meh on both me and Lol. I agree, kinda makes sense if either of us were a wolf to get tutuu. Litten, on the other hand, never really talked about me and lol, and honestly kinda seems like they would more town read me than not. Idk about Litten view on lol tho.

true true true true


You have way too much faith in me for this, lmao.

I realized after I posted I didn’t give my actual read on my own, and then gave it. I also noticed you asked, so I linked it to the asking, lmao. I was tired after reading all the Etha posts, and it slipped my small brain.

It was the meta of “They should know me better”, lmao

also they remember I do king of madness BS, and didn’t at all mention the other stuff to purposefully make me look bad? It added up

The joking around made me feel more sympathetic, and not wanna vote, still did at EOD, cause of all that.

Day 3 Votecount 5

Drinks 2: lol, Zenon
Arctic (1): Jormok
Atlas (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (7): Doodleshy, Arctic, Magnus, Litten, MerpyDerpy, Drinks, Demisha

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Demisha is like obv town and people should really just move on from her and let her play as IC


Whoever said they were in anti spew was prob correct considering they wanted someone else as a wagon when we were tied

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Because he’s town and I did a while bunch of analysis on Achro and Tutuu that points to that world being true and this paranoia being useless until FX and we should stop causing unnecessary confusion by accusing everyone and their mothers of being a wolf and condense the poe but this town is a bunch of individuals exclaiming their own reads and not listening to others and yes I’m part of that we are all talking past each other

Tbf I did say if Etha is a wolf then both wolves were voting them