Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

What’s this got to do with the fact a town is being wagoned

Oh my god pls stop…

Arctic isn’t a wolf because I would have been executed if he was playing towards his win condition instead of him being angry tbat tutuu was getting played by obvious wolf litten


Etha was naked wolf. So naked that I thought it was too easy and panicked. They didn’t get coached.

Stop reaching. Stop trying to solve the game through gotchas that don’t exist. Find wolfy play not “rules of 3” and “coaching” pls I beg of you

I’m going to policy this

I’ll go read drinks now

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Well mainly cause this team simply does not exist.

Tutuu knows me and they know that I’m town off how I played that EoD. I don’t kill Tutuu because they aren’t pushing me today off that.

Do you usually put the wolf before the carriage?

False anyone with actual knowledge of my ranges knows that EoD was clearing for me and Tutuu knows my ranges

I legit think town is overthinking and over analyzing when killing Drinks today is just the objectively correct play

How can you clear every player

Tbf you don’t have to read spew to be good at mafia and if it isn’t your game you shouldn’t feel pressure too.

I certainly don’t that’s not beneficial to my play. I over think and over analyze what I’m seeing in real time when i try to go read spew so I’ve pulled that part of play out of my game entirely

Talk to me


Just kill Drinks…

I beg of people to go read the Jormok and Etha parts back and forth after Ethas reads list. It looks super partnered. Pls do it. I beg of you plssss

Doodle was hard town locked by both night kills they are a problem to read in FX if alive but everyone should be treating them as lock town for now

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This play is usually wolfy so it’s weirding me out a little


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