Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


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This is likeā€¦ exactly what wolfs should do though lol

Why do you keep talking about things that are gonna make you look bad. Why are you hyper aware of how bad you are making yourself look. Why are you making yourself look bad if you no it looks bad.


Except Etha felt like she actually wanted Drinks to die.


I believe lol can be wolf keep digging

Pls stopā€¦

That high activity level with Jormok isnā€™t the usual I expect from Jormok is all that meant

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Merpy is prpbs townā€¦ but i donā€™t want to shut down that conversation

But sheā€™s so pure and thereā€™s no real wolfy agenda in her play

Your read on Zorvo is one of the main reasons I dropped my susā€¦plsā€¦aaaaa

But you not explaining is gonna get me killed ;-;


Is this good or bad?

This doesnā€™t make sense to me. Why are you trying to pit us against each other?

Spewed town, as per my opener today.

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As town