Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

It’s funny ain’t it?

This is a Vanilla Game!

Yeah but you could also find the wrong spew as well and end up misclearing.

For Fun! :sunglasses:

If I can be aligned with everyone in the game.
I’ll never get night killed.

I mean lol should still be suspecting you no?

Also another thing is the last two wolves don’t wanna buss right now so you can say I’m just pulling some strings.

What is that post from Merpy though lol.

Didn’t you just say they were town lean last time I asked?

That is fine

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Alright, from my perspective, either Merpy and Jormok are on the same side or one is evil. They’re never both evil in any world, imo. Jormok I can’t read that well because he’s Jormok, and Merpy is confusing me. On the one hand, she’s acting extremely town, but her noncommittal to the vote at EoD yesterday and her trying to push on Zorvo are… Interesting. I admit, I wasn’t a big fan of Zorvo, but I saw his actions more as annoying than wolfy. Arctic seems like an interesting wolf candidate, but I can’t exactly place my finger on why without digging through posts (which I don’t want to do). There’s a few instances from my memory that I could construe as TMI from them, but I don’t want to look them up so take that with a grain of salt. I think my intuition is telling me to be wary of them.

Also, oops I completely fucking misread Etha so don’t fucking trust me.

I’m gonna try to sleep a little without blood pouring out of me


Guess we should vote lol.

If they flip wolf, you can vote me next.
But only if we vote them today!

This part is meaningless xD

Pretty sure it’s lol and Merpy.

Tutuu called out them as a pairing and died.

Clears are all social in a vanilla game so they aren’t direct clears.

Because no mechanics

I’m doubting my reads and that always ends poorly

Yeah, that’s a world that makes sense to me, I can see that.

I mean did you wolf read lol?

I clear people correctly constantly in Mountainous


Then you can vote them yeah?

I’ll let you even vote me out tomorrow if they flip wolf.

I’ll go along with the lol vote for now and we’ll see what happens.

VOTE: lol

I am so confused. How am I outed? Alright. Let me set the scene: Zorvo is asking me to decide between 2 people who I don’t feel 100% certain on. I am saying they are setting me up because I feel like if I’m wrong, even though I’m town, they’re going to lynch me. This logic is flawed because it assumes that:
A). This assumes that there is a wolf between the 2 of them. It’s possible that neither of them are wolves.
B). This puts me in a horrible position because, if I’m wrong, you’re going to kill me. Me being wrong isn’t alignment indicative. If anything, the only reason I survive your little test is if I was a wolf (and knew people’s roles) or just got lucky in guessing.

This was in response to Zorvo and Magnus’ comment

She’s got her dukes up!