Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Ok I’m back

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We could just kill drinks true

Voting with a wolf read eh?

I can relate.

Zenon/Lol can still be a thing I guess but more likely Merpy tbh. :man_shrugging:

Idk seems like a miss.

Don’t think Drinks and Etha were both wolves from how day 1 was tbh.

I’ll be around before EOD tomorrow, but I’m not really motivated to tear the thread apart atm before bed. I would like to VOTE: Jormok and make this a counterwagon over Drinks. My heart says Demisha but that won’t go anywhere.


I don’t feel like it’s Jorm I would rather lol.

You can vote Lol but Etha’s D1 was completely null on him and I’m reading from that direction and not the inverse.

I like how Etha pointed out I town read lol.

I think I missed that line, or else interpreted it about being about you primarily.

Dude do you not know what you say?


What is the problem? You’re misunderstanding it on purpose.

Oh wait you just said Drinks and Merpy felt more cleared or some shit

Damn you reply fast!

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“In a way that felt fine / natural evil to good / comfortable / etcetera.”
Basically what I’m saying.

Didn’t even let me finish typing my thought eh, had to comment as soon as I quoted you.

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Whenever I slow down in my responses it’s only due to internet troubles or slowing down in my thoughts, I can type very quickly indeed.

Holy fuck your superman

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I appreciate it.

Office Level.

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As a Woof you don’t buss both EOD’s do you?