Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Because tbh that is suicide for a Vanilla Game tbh.

Historically no. I feel like I’m getting too much credit though.

You would have to like hold onto your other partner tight.

where did it dissapear

ive had it every day i simply see no point in pushing them when entire thread wants them alive

and if they are to be killed just because i am w/w with them apparently whats the point

is that the entire reasoning
if i am mafia what difference does it make if i kill litten instead they want to kill me and are locktown

Does a wolf really say this though?

VOTE: Atlasisagodatmafia

@Zenon next time read lol
like open your eyes while reading

Did you mean to ping me?

Why did you ping Zenon?

also im like the 6th towniest if tutuu’s readlist is ordered

dont pretend like u read someones iso next time


@Zenon sorry for ping

Is Zenon your real partner?

you both have 5 letter names and they start with z

Likely story

i mean you can try counting the letters yourself

Hmm maybe I wasn’t wolf siding and was right on you being in your town meta.

Hey Partner!

What do you think?

one of lol/merpy is a wolf
really hates zenon like really

otherwise was just having a spamfest really annoying to read

You think Merpy/Zenon is the team?