Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


1 Minute Remains

Jormok (4): Magnus, Litten, Arctic, Zorvo
lol (3): Doodleshy, Zenon, MerpyDerpy
MerpyDerpy (1): lol
Magnus (1): Jormok

Not Voting (2): Drinks, Demisha


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I reveal as mayor and my vote counts as 3


VOTE: Jormok

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well merpy and jormok aren’t wolves together but this was already obvious from today i think

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if i’m wrong i told you not to sheep me

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your right


Day 3 Final Vote Count

Jormok (5): Magnus, Litten, Arctic, Zorvo, Zenon
lol (2): Doodleshy, MerpyDerpy
MerpyDerpy (1): lol
Magnus (1): Jormok

Not Voting (2): Drinks, Demisha

You have 5 minutes, send any mistakes in your rolecard

“Wait, wait! I can prove I’m the real Chika!” She shouts, desperate.

The party gives her one last chance to prove herself. She pulls out her science kit, pours one vial into another, and… it makes a HUGE explosion. When the dust clears, she’s gone. Whether she’s dead or she ran, that was definitely the real Chika, and she’s not coming back.

Jormok has been Kicked Out!

His real identity…

Jormok Role Card

Your name is Chika. You are a Vanilla Town.
As a scientist, Chika knows what chemicals work well together, and which ones do not. She uses this to her advantage, creating toxic or explosive substances and hurling them at enemies. In this game, though, her only power is her voice and her vote.


Night 3 Starts now and Ends at 2023-07-22T01:00:00Z

(sorry forgot to post that one >.<)

On the way to the next battle, a bird gets caught in Asuka’s engine! The party panics as Asuka crashes to the ground, taking everyone with her.

When the party comes to, everyone is miraculously fine! …except Asuka, who is mainly reduced to ashes, blood and scrap metal.

Litten has been Disconnected!

Their real identity…

Litten Role Card

Your name is Asuka. You are a Vanilla Town.
…Is that a plane? Oh, it’s just Asuka, the living vehicle for the party to travel from place to place within the nexus. In this game, though, her only power is her voice and her vote.

Day 4 Starts now, and Ends at 2023-07-24T01:00:00Z



The last 2 wolves are inside these 4