Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Before y’all ask i was too caught up enjoying ER launch and i forgot to vote, not that it’d have changed anything seeing the wagons at EOD anyways

Hi. I don’t think this can be correct.

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That push on Jormok felt very wolfy. I’m inclined to believe 1 or even both wolves were on that push. Jormok felt really towny to me


I’m listening~

I’m good, I’m semi-confident in Drinks being unpartnered with Etha, and even if that’s correct I struggle to see Zenon being Drinks. Zenon / Lol doesn’t click in my mind either.

So what you’re saying is you dislike lol’s slot

Considering the previous “Jormok / Drinks / Lol” triangle that was tossed around yesterday, from your perspective you’re saying one of Zenon or I are evil. That much is understandable.

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Also naturally I didn’t expect you to defend yourself but you have to understand “im good” isn’t gonna cut it djahqonrbt

That wasn’t so much as a defence rather than a statement used to support my understanding.

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Yeyeye I just meant to say like “im not gonna auto clear and forget u just saying” not that you were doing a poor job of defending yourself

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Could you update your readlist for us, Merpy?

I can in a bit. Sure!

Why is Arctic still alive?

VOTE: Zorvo

This is wolf

I go bed

BIG POST INCOMING :alarm_clock:
Doodle: They just feel like town to me. Idk. They are acting like how I know them.

Magnus: I still don’t know about Magnus. I wanna trust them but eh. They also voted Etha in the first voting phase. It could be a wolf knowing a town is going over, but considering Tutuu flipped town, I think it’s unlikely.

Arctic: I really trusted Arctic this game, but I find it odd how they pounced on Jormok when I mentioned that I trust Jormok more. I’m not saying Arctic has to do what I am doing, but it just doesn’t feel right. It feels like they were siding with Etha before we knew Etha was wolf.

Zenon: I also wanted to believe in Zenon, but this is the second time Zenon had a last second swing-vote to kill a villager. They can be town, but it certainly doesn’t look good. It was also on 2 ppl that looked rather towny imo.

Lol/Drinks: I don’t know what to think of Lol and Drinks anymore. They are not as active anymore, and this doesn’t give me info to go off of. It feels like wolf behavior, but I just don’t know. They’re at the bottom of wolf because they aren’t playing like townie to me. I have other people I would rather vote imo, but their lack of activity is concerning.


I feel like I don’t have enough reads for Demi, and Zorvo is just confusing me at the moment. Until I make up my mind on Zorvo, they will sit at bottom of neutral. They are learning more toward potentially evil?

I am growing more paranoid ;-;
(I think this covers everyone)

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I’m assuming your scumreads are ordered from top to bottom?

Yes, so Arctic is my top priority. It’s complicated because Lol and Drinks I find more suspicious, but considering they haven’t been active as much, I’m worried they may just be less active town. In other words, I think Arctic is a bigger threat if they’re wolf


Alright, I think it’s time we properly started combing through the game, slot by slot and day by day.
We can still afford to miss three executions so paranoia kills aren’t super useful today unless they’re well-founded.