Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Because i repeatedly said that they were trying to set us up to kill each other in fx

Which was me telegraphing that i would not vote you in fx


Thatā€™s the entire fucking point Zorvo you figured it out Iā€™m proud of you

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Donā€™t think they caught up to the part where they got outedā€¦

I dunnoā€¦ maybe the guy who was dying who was off wagon

Crazy i know but towns generally save themself so do wolfs. I enjoy not allowing that to happen be cause Iā€™m good at mafia

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The guy who townread Jorm?
No fucking way lol.

Areā€¦ are you high? I quoted Jormoks vote cause he was off wagonā€¦ holy fuck

Why am I talking with a outed wolf again?

Oh right because I can. ^_^

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Lmfao your so bad at this game

So Jorm and Lol cross voting would not have changed votecount.


You silly wolf

So fucking good.
I know.


Make a deal with me

Right fucking now


Shut the fuck up and listen


Iā€™ll make a deal

With a wolf.

Kinda like making a deal with a devil