Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Except wolves aren’t that bad

You will NEVER EVER try to read me again after this garbage tunnel. You will leave me alone in games. You will not push me ever again if i flip town


Agree to it right now

Ded srs

I mostly do that anyways but I am tunnelling you because you lied and the lie was like an outed wolf lie.

Tell you what if your town, I will never vote you again for future games unless someone else votes for you.

But unless you got some sorta lying problem, your a wolf.

You can hellbus and still occasionally defend your teammates lol

I want you to never even try to read me again

You suck at it

Hell i will never read you again either. We can just sheep other people.


Miss me with this shit

Bleh I’m being toxic sorry i don’t feel good

Anyways i don’t want to be this player anymore

I’m serious about the deal though

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I’m sorry.

Mutual agreement to not read each other in all future games

Maybe you don’t understand, let me show you how you’re caught.

You said no, you ain’t.

Big Busser.

This is what you didn’t say when I said:

I asked you this earlier for a reason and at that early time you could have gave me the correct thing but instead you chose to say “no?”

HARD defend.

I said HARD defend.

Yes we only sheep vote.
Sounds good.

Although when you flip wolf I don’t have to do this you know.

But I might still do it because I can. :man_shrugging:

Answer the question I’m not defending myself against a baseless tunnel predicated on a misunderstanding of what i said where in you have zero desire to listen to anything i say because you are either

A. A wolf.

B. Town that is gonna cost town the game by focusing on asinine gotchas that don’t exist

And I’m really not gonna try to deal with being called a liar.

Works for me

What I said.

What TOWN Zenon should have said in that moment:

“I do hard defend some of my teammates. Like Lumi in Sabi Invitational on MU, however I am a notorious hell Busser”

Keep in mind them not saying this, Zenon also gave me the WRONG info up until this point as well.
That’s wolf motivated.

So the fact Zenon didn’t say that at that moment and is obviously lying right now, to me that means this isn’t town Zenon.