Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

we don’t need to pressure her we need to kill her

I don’t know about you but I personally enjoy being sadistic when it comes to toying with leafia

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you don’t neeed to be scared of me i’m just a towny little boy i promise…

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If I do sort by post count will I arrive at this?

don’t worry all will be clear when my knight in shining armour Magnus links the other mountainous game on this site where I was mafia and playing completely differently to this game


I’m not sure what voodoo they did to make it so I couldn’t find this post by iso@8’f them with Litten in the search bar tbat I had to personally comb through to make sure I wasn’t insane when they town read me


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If they are both wolves your lock town.

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What’s the point of discrediting Zenon’s accuracy?

There are games where she was wrong allot sure but also games where she was GOATed, same with me.

Don’t do that.

wait until u found out i expanded my towncore to 8 - including that person with the aqua avatar!

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I forgot what I was doing it was something important that I was investigating

Oh yeah Zorvo


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Hey there wittle wittin.

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investigation has concluded can we execute Zirbo today?


Yeah I can relate to this tbh.

But Arctic did also point out that about Demi though.
So I’m not sure tbh.

What’s the reason?

Yeah I ain’t ever gonna vote Arctic, especially if Litten is a wolf.

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Demi from my experience in one of their wolf games didn’t really mind bussing and distancing, so from that and the fact that mountainous relies entirely on social reads I doubt scum would defend someone like arctic so strongly as two wolves, simply because arctic can defend himself.