Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Honestly, the people I’ve been voting for… It’s pure vibes. lol had an ick factor and made my spine tingle, so I voted them. Also cause they seemed a little rude, so that may have influenced me a bit.

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Ah yes, the meeting-lol-for-the-first-time experience

(Fair enough btw im not bashing you for it)

Well, I suppose I should vote for somebody since I probably won’t be here for EoD.

@Arctic thoughts on Doodle btw? If any, you seem more focused on other slots for today tho so maybe not much to say

I would try to buy your vote before you have to go but everyone’s gonna think that’s hella sus so enact your freedom and feel free to choose

That’s honestly a pretty good catch, even from my perspective that post looks hella sus since it was from Etha but SUPER early on D1 (the one about me and Arctic)

What would you buy it with? You know Garabatear Tímida’s steam library is kind of lacking… Lol

afjlksdlkgk that was just the first thing that came to mind I meant just telling you who to vote and hoping you’d do it dsgmdfhlkkl

I could get you arg alt games but that’d probably be ACTUALLY hella illegal lmao, I also wouldn’t do it because I don’t have a lot of money lately anyways ksdgjlkfsjkl

Like immediately this is such a strong start to make me want to move my eyes elsewhere…

@Magnus take a look at this when you have the time and tell me what you think of those posts

I legit kinda wanna focus on Arctic for a bit now, this is the second time it’s happened if I count yesterday when I said I should review Arctic’s ISO again

Heyo, pleasure to meet you too.
Yeah, it’s fair that you suspected my predecessor’s slot.

VOTE: Arctic

Still not here, I’m gone for a while.

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VOTE: Zenon

Overall has the weirdest interactions with Etha out of the 4 I mentioned before.
I’m not exactly 100% confident in this but it’s enough for me to just go for it for now.

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i think thats for everytime

no its not he just posted some stuff

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also some meta speculation as they have been chaotic and active as town and whether its for being mafia or different serious they took a more serious approach into going afk completely

i’m not sure how i feel about this push :thinking:

Well you should make your mind up how you feel about it.
I did a quick dive into Etha, explained why I thought some things were off.
Looked a bit into the 4 people who stand out and then went to my conclusion with my vote.

ok i read zorvo vs zenon over zorvo said u did a slip zenon said no i i didnt

zenon didnt do a slip both things can be true

wtf im supposed to give an opinion on its a zorvo mmoment

also macdougall bad at the game anyway the read is at best 50% correct since they started their last game instant locktowning a friend and then went into rage mode when zorvo started annoying them