Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’ve just been reminded that I’ve got to have 10 game related posts per day. I don’t really have anything to say and I have no reads, though, so I’m just gonna ask questions. What are people’s opinions on Arctic? Let’s have a conversation about that right now.

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i hate that guy

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(I have D&D in 20 minutes so I need to get these posts out.)

My opinion on Arctic is null, mainly because I have been too distracted the past couple of days to pay attention to his actions and I don’t know him very well. I have no confidence either way.

Oh, by the way, hello Kiiruma nice to meet you.

I still believe the player formerly known as Drinks’ slot is strange and a bit sus, but I’m willing to give them a day to be here and active rather than killing them as soon as they arrive.

Oh, and just in case you weren’t aware, I’m town. I’m pretty confident in that read. That counts as game content, right?

i doubt it

out of curiosity, why are you not interested in playing?

You are making many assumptions with that post my friend.

Life, man.

Please accuse me of being a wolf, though. Fighting it might get me my 10 posts.

I’ll just defend myself ahead of time. I’m not a wolf. If you’ve been paying attention to me, you’ll clearly see me being the most confused townie to ever exist ever. My familiarity bias is showing so bad for so long, and I’ve even confessed what my wolf playbook is to you. Granted, I could be lying about the playbook. When I like someone, I’m more likely to not want to kill them, which is why I didn’t vote for Etha yesterday. I was fine with her dying, but I didn’t want to support her demise.

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There was also a point where I attempted to protect Zenon. That was due to me thinking they are cool and wanting them to stick around.

Did you expect Jormok to flip town? Your answer may or may not be game-changing

wdym I love the guy he’s actually so cool to have around during late game, someone else would be paranoia’ing all over the place but this guy’s chill

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I definitely didn’t hard protect someone like that the entire game

I think I elaborated on this earlier, but I have no fucking clue how to read Jormok. The answer to that question is legitimately yes and no. I mean that.

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Let me review last day’s VC rq

Repost it for me, please.

Were you voting lol solely on the earlier principle of them pushing you constantly or some other reason as well?

Ye one sec


Where’s Zenon when you need her, her Arctic and Magnus are the last ones that can carry us the rest of us are lazy fucks :fallen_emote:

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