Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

You… you do know what open wolfing is yes?

zorvo you keep saying words that you think make me a wolf but they actually make me a town

you think as wolf i just sulk that u are calling me bad instead of convincing u to vote someone

i’m watching the champs jury reveal so im semi afk

What would you do if Demi flips wolf and I voted for them, would you sheep me for the rest of the game?

you want to be right but you’re not

you know i wouldn’t be rolling around like this as mafia lol

You know the answer Zorvo

isnt the jury just the people who did well and katze

Get the fuck off town Arctic stop fixing throwing

not as in katze is bad its katze didnt oarticipate this year and won last year iirc


It’s where you’re outing that you are wolf.

I’m more doing a play that I make a joke with a player saying I am a team with them.

I have been doing it almost all game/

Me too my anxiety and depression is rising

arctic is like 90% not town

Think I did it with Jorm as well and kinda make a joke with Etha because they were the first player to wolf read me I believe.


Well you aren’t helping me find a wolf though are yeah?

No open wolfing is just openly talking about being a wolf or wolf strategy in the thread

It is what you are and have been doing since D1.

And fun fact people who do that for extended lengths of time overwhelmingly flip wolf

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Actually I do it least likely as a wolf because I don’t like to admit I am a wolf as a wolf or say something that implies me being a wolf even as a joke.

I might do it a little as a wolf but probably not a whole lot.

I could be wrong, idk because I am town. :man_shrugging:

i will raise the number every time if you want to save arctic vote me and i thinm arctic will happy to vote as well i will die on my sword


Let’s say this person flips town.
Thoughts on this post?