Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

being town doesnt erase your memory

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Sadly you are also probably town

Ill be back after i donā€™t advance in champs


Hmm actually.

If Zenon does flip town I am willing to just explain to Kiiruma tomorrow how I am town.

VOTE: Zenon

dont worry about advancing focus on the experience

if u didnt advance and feel bad about it try again

thats all i can say as a previous champs winner - winner of worst player award

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why is kiruma town


I kinda agree with Kiiruma on the Arctic/Demi containing a wolf though.

i dont get why you are so scared of kiruma then? hes just a guy

The Arctic/Demi part just doesnā€™t feel like a wolf coming in and saying that.

Not scared of him I would just like if we work together and find the wolves rather then have someone constantly push at me, or tunnel at me when I know they are pushing at a villager because I am a villager.


i dont really get it but demi loved it as well so maybe i just missed the idea


Do you still townread Demi?

im off to bed have to take my nephew to the eye doctor tommorow good luck to whoevers doing champs

a little less than before but i wouldnt kill them anytime soon anyway ive yet to see a case that changed my mind

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demi still in my towncore.

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Is it possible that the wolves are Lol and Drinks/Kiiruma, and Lol is choosing now to defend them?


Iā€™m telling you Magnus, if Demi is a wolf and your town you should be proving yourself and you say no one is interested in a Demi vote, make the case and we just might be:

Why did you quote that post?

How does this have anything to do with lol defending Kiiruma?

Because this is the first time Iā€™ve seen Lol go against you (I couldā€™ve missed something), so I was wondering if Lol is trying to steer attention away from our initial vote on to you