Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

what about magnus’s recent posts have convinced you it isn’t them

@Magnus am i tripping for thinking this reads as w/w

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Kiiruma’s pretty much just saying rule of two here.
Anyway, I’m considering a Zorvo vote today.

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Are you reading this as Demisha going “this player could be evil, we apparently don’t like each other’s slots, and yet we don’t think each other are evil anyway”?

beating around the bush + the fact wolves love to accuse each other of pocketing one another, it’s a classic level 1 w/w tell


zorvo is still town i highly doubt he can fake the conviction he had on his neon gotcha read earlier even though it didn’t make any sense

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You’re not, in a world im wolf that’s def w/w

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I was just about to vote you, Demisha. Fuel on the fire.

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(Recognizing this has little weight as they flesh out their thought)

Magnus is just making sense today
Those are the posts that made me think that that u asked for @Arctic

I was padding my postcount.

This @ Magnus @ Zenon
I know you guys are fed up with Zorvo’s lack of social awareness but this just looks like 101 Zorvo town to me given the previos game I was in with with them
Trust me im kinda fed up too but it’s an emotional vote at best and a turbo throw at worst

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Actually I guess this is something good to shed some light on me

If I was wolf you’d have found me pushing Zorvo a quigillion times by now in previous day yet I’ve rarely if ever thrown any shade on him. The reason for me pushing them as wolf would be that it’d be incredibly easy to instigate a train of emotional voting given how the game’s developed with his slot but eh I just know this is how town Zorvo is and I’m looking for actual plausible wolves as a town

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@Demisha can you summarize every thought you have on my slot because you keep dancing around me saying “nah it’s not weird that i don’t suspect you” then saying you do suspect me whenever i’m floated as an option


your play the past two days just feels like riding the wave of whatever is going on in the thread at the time

this isn’t necessarily damning because like i said because of information overload everyone is just throwing darts but it’s not helping me see you as town

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I can get on my pc before EOD and do my best at that if that’s fine by you, currently a bit on the fly

That said that read on me is 100% accurate btw I have been dilly-dallying around your slot because my confidence has been wavering over the days (you can notice it specifically whenever a townie flipped, I’m p sure I felt very confident in you being good when Etha flipped) so I think it’s in part just paranoia of the day that has me second guessing literally everything I had assumed up until each day every time we had a misflip

It was a joke, sorry.

Heck I think people used to call me out on a bit of doom posting in some previous game, I tend to get into the mindset of “oh no it’s all over everything’s falling apart” once I’m very confident someone’s gonna flip wolf and then they don’t

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I think I only brought up SillyKitty maybe once this game lol

I’m also very busy rn
