Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Bye bye

Name two players you townread please.


well arenā€™t you two cute together


lmao he probably canā€™t actually do it

or at least if he does his answer would be different 10 minutes later

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this would be a really good time to post a literally me ryan gosling image but my pinterest account got suspended

VOTE: Lol.
Ryan Gosling is literally me.

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Wtf how even lol


I think I may have had self-harm and suicide related pins because this is what I got sent a warning for a while ago (which I didnā€™t see because it was on a throwaway email) but i honestly donā€™t remember

Ohā€¦ hey me too

Day 4 Vote Count

Kiiruma (3): Demisha, Arctic, MerpyDerpy
lol (3): Zorvo, Zenon, Magnus
Arctic (2): lol, Doodleshy
Zenon (1): Kiiruma

Iā€™m an espresso depresso machine


I donā€™t like the taste of most coffees.


I made it back in time

AHAHAHAHAH look at the name of one of my playlists


5 minutes left

Zenon you said lol-merpy-who else held the last 2?

Doodle but i dunno maybe kii is bad

Donā€™t trust me