Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

I’m shit at this game

No you’re literally right
I think it could be there definitely

Just look at the VC who’s voting at Arctic

lol or doodle seems pretty plausible

You’re selling yourself short.

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I throw so hard in every game i play



I had the scum in my last MU game D1 and panicked and didn’t vote them


never mafia

don’t care about anything else figure it out yourselves


You’re lying because you’ve been the only turbo active town consistently every single day but ok

forgot to include merpy too

I mean you’re saying the last wolves are between 4 of us, which is fair, it’s exactly what I’ve done.
But honestly try and be a bit more confident, push for it even if you’re wrong.
It’s been hard for me to do much since I had to come into the game swinging and think I did ok with it, I’ve struggled though.

I just want to try and carry the game on for yall


Being active doesn’t mean I’m not throwing though.

I killed Leafia… that was a throw

Hi Kiiruma. How’s your day?

Arctic and I pished that too it’s not all on you lol


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Did you actually suspect Leafia at the end there?

I dunno, I’m kinda tired. It’s almost 2AM, but wanted to be here for EoD in case I was needed moreso

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i literally do not know how to parse that post lmao

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