Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Hi! I felt like I was trusting them because they’re my friend, but now that people are bringing them up as a potential suspect, I decided to more closely analyze their messages

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To clarify, I am not saying I want to vote Doodle today. My top vote is still Kiiruma, but I would like to hear what Doodle has to say :+1:

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And you call ME Hotheaded but you’re just considering yourself as Fact when there is a high likelihood Kiiruma is Town so then being a wolf isn’t a fact.

Also Etha likely Town Read BOTH their teammates.
Not just lol.

Idk if your a wolf do you kill me?

So what you’re just going fucking slide it off when Kiiruma flips Village and be like “oh it’s Doodle” and still call me shit?

Man you’re hot headed.
You can think it’s Kiiruma but I don’t believe it is.

Yet you still considering Demi if you get town flip.

Why are you so confident on Merpy being town again?

Can’t say they aren’t but they could be wolf so like?

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Like Wolves PLAYED Arctic this game, gonna say that much.

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Arctic can at least realize THIS part is true when Kiiruma flips town.

If he can’t he is REALLY hotheaded.

Because like I am aware myself I wolf sided a bit defending lol.

And I kinda helped Guava and Jar in that one game till I turned on both the wolves and got night killed for it.

Like obviously if Kiiruma is Town, the last wolf was counting on Arctic to push Kiiruma ML today.

But idk if Arctic comprehends this.

If Kiiruma is a wolf then whatever, Arctic is probably pushing it anyway.

But I hope Arctic knows he probably dies tonight on that ML that the last wolf planned

Well, in a world where I’m wolf, I’d probably go down my town list yeah. So like, I would kill Magnus first and then you (and so on)

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You wouldn’t kill Arctic?

Also I don’t think if you said if you would be scared of me or not as a wolf?

Remember Arctic Townreads Merpy from a contradiction to this.

Well no that’s false, they townread Merpy for other reasons but I they gave that reason when I said lol and Merpy was aligned, Arctic said they wouldn’t buss like that.

And if we wanna use that Logic why can’t Arctic be a wolf?


If Kiiruma goes over and flips town and neither of us die tomorrow.

Prepare to sweat as I push on you.

Oh sorry for the ping Arcy

This is Etha’s first post.

Notice their pairing of Merpy and Zenon.

Another Merpy Mention

Also, no wolf in their right mind puts both their partners side by side; it would be spread out in the reads.