Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1


Thoughts on this?

As I’m assuming this is in response to Merpy?

Thoughts on this

Sorry didn’t work for some reason

I really want to vote you in response, but I feel like you’re just overly paranoid. This further proves my point of how I don’t think the wolves will night kill you :joy:

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I’ll be real reading Merpy these last few posts feels as genuine as ever she’s just explaining herself instead of sussing other people implicitly or subtly >.<

But Doodle’s confusion also feels genuine to the Doodle I know and how I’d imagine them in this context

So I’m just praying Kiiruma is a hit because ugh if it’s between doodle and Merpy it’s probably just gonna be a coinflip…

Ok so maybe clarify that it isn’t a sus you just don’t know why it is as such.

The way you put “odd” sounded like you thought Doodle was wolfy for it.

I know you, but there’s another layer here which is text. I mostly know you from real, voice conversations. I’ve never played social deduction games with text Merpy, and I basically have to get to know you all over again.

Bro I will CRY if I make it to a F3 with them.

Take @Magnus instead.

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You have time to think out your responses and tailor them, as opposed to voice where you have to respond to questions much quicker or be sussed for it.

This is how Merpy would try to solve the game from what I know, the input she’s giving is too “personal” or “intricate” if that makes sense, a wolfy Merpy would be narrate it more trying to pretend to get into the perspective of the other player

Maybe I’ll just look like a clown and a fool if I’m wrong and I’m out here thinking I know Merpy’s meta from just knowing how she is as a person but it’s the best i’ve got

Damn I really like this though.

Okay that’s fair, and I appreciate the honesty. I will admit my typing style is different than how I speak normally. I have a formal typing style but informal speaking style. The style may be different, but I think my messages are the same (just sounds different). Do you feel like you have an idea about me from what I’ve said so far? I just want to see what your thoughts are. It is possible that your thoughts could help us find the wolf (in combination with everyone else’s)

Fuck me man.

If only Jorm or Litten was still here.

That’s fair. However, I feel like that’s just the style of forum mafia games in general. Sure, a message may be shorter, but they still had plenty of time to respond. I don’t think that’s a point that you could suspect just me for if that makes sense

Idk about Achro.

They might have like 30 years experience or some shit but this one is definitely a Tuff one.

Well TBF, they haven’t seen you play through text.

Which is like very different.

I don’t think like I play VM anything like FM.

Your explanation might be true? I don’t quite know what you mean tbh
I’m not sure what you mean by “narrate from the other player’s perspective” :thinking:

No thoughts, head empty.

Though, I did just think something interesting. So, what if, and this is going into tin foil hat territory, the reason Drinks wasn’t active is because they wanted to solve the game. What if they randed wolf and got disappointed they couldn’t be town savior and just didn’t participate? Crackpot theory, but it popped into my head.

Yes, I know that. All I am saying is that sussing someone for having a lot of time to type is a very general accusation that can be thrown at anyone. I am sure they know that, but I figured it was worth saying