Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

The main thing I request from you Doodle is to participate as much in the voting phase as possible. I feel like that could make or break the game for us, so please try your best! If you feel overwhelmed or want to talk about your reads/something else, let us know! :+1:

Yes I can. Iā€™ve seen you do some wacky plays lol XD

Well, maybe not about the vanilla town part. I feel like Iā€™ve seen you play well as an innocent in games :+1:

Hey imagine if me you and Magnus were all wolves this game.
We would have stomped town this game.
Achro would have been lost.

But instead we can take down the last wolf together.


I think you need to give yourself some more credit

VOTE: Demisha.
Please do not hammer early today. Demisha has enough credibility for her thoughts to be worth listening to, but her associations with Etha on the first day appear to be extremely aligned. She was willing to die earlier, but I just want to make sure that isnā€™t a fluke.

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Thereā€™s only so many people left, I know itā€™s not me, and I donā€™t think itā€™s you or Zorvo. So itā€™s a 50/50 on Demi and Merpy for me.


Oh trust me I donā€™t plan on it. No one jump on this vote

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Is it a pure 50/50, or is something leading you towards Demisha over Merpy?

Yeah we can use this day to continue talking to each other because one of me or you die tonight.

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Demi accused me lol


Lmao fair

I would be very surprised if one of you didnā€™t die

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Though not really. I can go either way, but I just arbitrarily chose Demi first.

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Thatā€™s not even possible unless they night kill you or youā€™re a wolf that kills doodle for some reason?
(Assuming Demi does indeed die today.)

This isnā€™t even a question lol.

Doodle, would you be willing to talk out your suspicion with me? Iā€™m not going to argue. Iā€™m just hoping maybe thereā€™s something I could say to clarify my actions/words that are making you think Iā€™m wolf


Right well if your a wolf your better off killing me tonight over Magnus because Iā€™m just gonna vote you in F3.

So did I. So did Zenon. Is someone accusing you scum-indicative?

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So did Arctic LOL

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