Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

If there was 2 wolves left my vote on Demi would have been locked.

This is also an open setup

Your vote on Demisha was reset.

I am saying both you and Magnus did well for if either of you are the last wolf

If there were 2 wolves alive, we would have to have vote a wolf out today or the game would be over to my knowledge. Numbers are gross ;-;

Ah I understand now. Gotcha. Thank you for clarifying! :+1:

VOTE: Demisha

To make it clear where my vote is to hosts.

This time itā€™s not on Atlas.



Again, I would like to state that we should not jump on this vote

takes away your hammer privileges


Forum Mafia can be rough because it isnā€™t enough to kill most of the wolves. You either succeed resolutely or fail absolutely. Thereā€™s no inbetween.

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Iā€™d rather not have Demisha on L-1, just in case.

Merpy, are you confident in Demisha being evil, or are you already thinking of a backup execution?
Iā€™d like to direct this question to Doodleshy as well.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been thinking now tbh. Since I am a bit tired though, I will hop out of thread for tonight. But tomorrow, I intend on getting my thoughts together (hopefully). I am definitely questioning things though. Demi seems genuine, but I havenā€™t rlly played a lot of social deduction games with them (that I can remember)

To be honest, Iā€™m trying to see if thereā€™s a world that makes sense where youā€™re a wolf. It sounds silly, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find things to disprove it, but I would rather doubt you and then trust you than blindly trust.

Anyways, good night everyone! :sleeping:


Have a good night.

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I thought you were the only one that voted them

Oh wait Iā€™m dumb

Majority is 3


Passing by thread before sleeping, Iā€™ll be reading most of tomorrow likely anyways but Iā€™ll try to attend to whatever was talked about for now

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I probably wasnā€™t, if you check my EODā€™s almost all of them Iā€™m not around for them, itā€™s not the most convenient time for me, I think I mention it a couple times a couple hours before EOD during some days

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