Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

Yeah I kinda think they should

The only thing I gain from this kill as wolf would be you trusting me over it, but it is literally the worst move for me logically imo. Because that kill as wolf Merpy banks on the fact that you have a sudden change of heart on me. It doesn’t make sense for me to do that kill imo

I kinda disagree. If I were evil, I would’ve killed Demisha yesterday or not at all (since her legacy said I was never evil).

Technically it could have went either way.
But again, I would have just voted Demi.

Wdym by legacy? Also, why do you suspect you are alive, Magnus? I think this is the biggest question I have (aside from Demi’s death) :thinking:

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Again, I was gonna vote Demi.

Really? You would’ve voted Demi? I find that hard to believe tbh :sweat_smile:

What does Magnus gain from this kill?

That kill was shit, the last wolf HAD this game locked they just needed to keep me and Demi alive.

Demisha’s final read on my slot was that I was resoundingly good. As stated earlier, I’m alive instead of Demisha because I’d be an easier vote to sway for either of you, imo.

I didn’t know that, so I couldn’t have planned a kill around that idea. The only thing I gathered from the other day was that you trusted Magnus a ton and me not so much

Did you not read anything I posted?

Demisha was expecting to be kept alive as well.

Either way, Good Job to the Last Wolf.
The only critique I have is the Demi Kill.


Also if it is Merpy.

My suggestion is if you are wolf
Not only do I want those questions answered
you need to READ thread, I stated in thread yesterday serval times that I likely have voted Demi.

Like Merpy.


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I do have a question for you both that I think will glean some light.

Now that you’re alive, I’m more likely to vote Zorvo than to vote for you. (To clarify, I am not voting rn. Just my current thoughts). In this world where you’re telling the truth and Zorvo is a wolf (from my POV), this would align with what I suspected from Zorvo. However, I don’t think the reason you gave is right imo. In Wolf Zorvo world, I think you live because Zorvo is convinced they would be able to sway you easier than they would Demi. Unless I am remembering wrong, Demi trusted me more than Zorvo? :thinking:

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Ask away

Maybe you are the wolf.

Could explain the Tutuu over Litten, Zenon over Arctic and Demi over Magnus/You

Because you didn’t understand where the thread was at in terms of peoples thoughts.

Well, ig I remembered correctly

Oh wait that was your quote lol. I thought that was Demi’s