Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

If you had died last night, I would imagine Demisha would first suspect Merpy, and Merpy would be first paranoid about me. Going off yesterday, it wouldn’t be a leap to imagine that Demisha would vote Merpy and/or Merpy would vote me. I don’t see w!Merpy pushing on Demisha in F3, though.

My first thought would jump to Demi tbh since Demi was our next push, but then I would have the thought of “why is Magnus still alive?”

In this simulation, you would have to be a wolf here. I appreciate the input, nevertheless.

Oh yeah as Wolf in that setup, I would never turn on Demi. It would contradict what I had previously said about them. That 180 in my social read would draw too much attention to me, and ultimately, get me killed imo

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Voted Jorm 3 Times.
I don’t remember why the first time, I think I did actually somewhat wolf read them as well as Doodle that day.
Second time, I think it was due to Etha saying they wouldn’t wolf read me anymore if Jorm flipped town and I have been Vibing with Jorm and it felt Townie. come Third Time, I just going with Arctic but still thought Jorm was probably town and looked good from the Etha flip despite what he said but I also thought about if I voted Jorm a third time EoD and so I did it.
Fourth I believe was lol and I voted there once Zenon called the thread “pure” and switched CFD to lol and I vibed with it and voted lol as well.

Why did Etha’s view of you matter?

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Kiiruma was irritation from Arctic.
Doodle was like I wanted to hammer since you guys didn’t want to vote Demi who I thought was more likely the wolf.

Oh I see. My apologies. I misunderstood

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Yeah I would push you in that setup

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So if your a wolf or you were a wolf you admit you would be scared of me?

Hmm I do like that response.

Scared of you? No. It’s more so that I knew you wouldn’t be lynched, so I would kill you early. Despite looking like a mislynch target, you were never in any danger

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But you weren’t gonna ML me at the time and usually wolves won’t kill me

Damn it might actually be Magnus.
Merpy sounds more Pure.

I would imagine wolves typically don’t kill you bc you’re a suspect. This game you weren’t. You said so yourself that ppl who normally suspect you trusted you. There wasn’t rlly anyone in the game who suspected you aside from me at some parts of the game. You seemed to be trusted across the board/not as wolfy as other potential candidates

Idk though, this is hard.

At least I know I didn’t fuck it up like I could have though.

Would you kill townread players if it meant preserving any players that suspected you?

D&D is nearly over.

I don’t think there was a point in this game where you caught a majority of the votes

This response is the most Zorvo-post of all time.

Damn if you’re a wolf you’re a fucking great new FM player I have you know.

Even if your town you have done pretty well other then your tunnel on me during the last day.

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