Mountainous AMQ Game Over - Town Wins (2/15 Left) Thread 1

But I guess it wasn’t so much of a tunnel since you voted Doodle in the end

I think it would depend on the situation, but typically, yes. Because think about it this way: Townread players are never going to be voted which means I have a higher chance to be the vote target. Meanwhile, I can try to sway the ppl who suspect me out of voting me. It just feels like a safer kill to preserve my passiveness imo

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You KNOW someone gonna put this in FM quotes post game.
I can feel it.

Interesting? This game is so far out of my range it isn’t funny.


It’s like if your a wolf you did a meta change but FUCK Merpy sounds pure to me

Aw I appreciate that. I know we had our ups and downs earlier, but I appreciate your kindness here. Regardless of this game’s result, I am glad we found a moment of peace :heart:

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Dude I don’t fucking know.
I don’t wanna vote first.

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We have time to talk it out. Vote starts tomorrow at 9 PM EST I think?


So since you asking a lot of questions how about I see some stuff from you.

Can you explain your thought progression on some stuff this game.

Like for example the Executed Wagons and how you felt during those EOD’s.


All I know is, from my perspective, it is a pure coin flip. I can see there being realities where either one of you is the wolf, and things would fall into place and make sense


Oh wait does it not?


I am confused. I don’t have the handy-dandy vote timer ;-;

Oh wait I meant ends lol. I think that’s when the deadline is

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It’s important to note that I replaced into this game not really intending to try really hard, like with Netrunner.
During the first EOD, I was vaguely listening to Achro talking about Leafia being town, and while I didn’t directly discuss it with him (because I usually just let Achro cook on the first day), I had no direct reason to suspect her the way I usually do when she’s an obvious D1 evil. I threw out a counterwagon on a player that I thought was drifting through the game (Etha), and it took off immediately.

During the second day, suspicion clung to Etha. If I wanted to take credit I could’ve just voted her immediately, but I held off because I felt like being contrary, I guess. I voted Litten a couple times to maintain competitive wagons, but Etha was always my preference because I’m predisposed to distrust Litten each game and it was a less spicy kill with less of a risk. I was never deadset on Etha being evil, but rather a slot that should go either way.

During the third day, I read into Etha spew and concluded that a wolf existed between Jormok and Demisha. I voted Jormok and stuck to them for a while. I don’t remember a lot from this day, really. I know Drinks was a counterwagon, but I thought Etha spewed them Town so I let them be.

During the fourth day, it was mainly between Drinks and Lol, I think? I’ll double check this quickly.

The deadline is in two days from now, but in practice it won’t actually go that far.

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On the fourth day, I brought up Lol’s lack of commentary on Etha’s slot.


My suspicion was already on Demisha, and yet I didn’t make an attempt to push that on D4. (#7873) I was not a particular fan of the Drinks/Kiiruma wagon on that day, but I wasn’t going out of my way to ignore it either. I wanted a counterwagon, and so I brought up Zorvo and Demisha, and quickly agreed to Zenon’s proposed Lol wagon as well, because all three of you were in my previously established POE. I was not trying to capitalise on the Lol wagon to make myself look good, nor was I trying to take credit for it. I voted late that day, same as the other days.